Call for Committee Members

Your Union needs members to staff the committees that help with the work of the local! Committees are a great way to learn how your union works for you, and to make a difference to working conditions at FVRL. If meetings run during your hours of work, book-off is available for regular full and part-time employees; that is, CUPE 1698 will pay your wages while you work on a committee.

Each committee has an alternate position. Also, each committee has 1 alternate position, with Health & Safety having 6 alternates. If you want to give a committee a try, but aren’t sure about it, consider applying for an alternate position. Alternates may be asked to attend joint committee meetings, but are not required to be at all of them.

If you’d like to join a committee, please use the Contact Us form on our website. If you apply to more than one committee, please list the committees you’d like to join, in order of preference.

Below are the 1698 Committees, and a brief description of their activities. Further details can be found in the CUPE 1698 bylaws (draft bylaws not yet in effect – changes are proposed but not yet accepted by the membership or by CUPE National).

Negotiating Committee
This committee prepares collective bargaining proposals and negotiates a Collective Agreement. The Committee shall consist of four members. All members of Local 1698’s negotiating committee shall be encouraged to attend Level 1 and Level 2 of CUPE’s collective bargaining workshops or similar Canadian Labour Congress courses .

Grievance Committee
This committee oversees the handling of all local grievances; The committee has four positions.

Job Evaluation Committee
This committee offers an opportunity to see how job descriptions are created and updated to maintain currency and reflect the actual work being done. The job description then undergoes a rigorous process to determine the  pay grade. This committee has 4 positions.

Labour Management Committee
This committee addresses issues brought forward by members in an attempt to reach a resolution without resorting to the grievance process. This committee has 4 positions.

Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee
This is one of our most important committees. Focusing on health and safety in all our libraries, this committee works to promote a culture of safety for our membership, and hold the employer accountable to their legislated WorkSafeBC responsibilities. This committee has a chair and 5 additional members. This committee has 1 alternate per member.

Technological Change Committee
Members on this committee perform committee duties with respect to Collective Agreement Article 24.01. This committee has 2 positions.

Education Committee
This committee gathers information about appropriate courses, the availability of courses, and make recommendations to the Executive Board on whether or not members should be attending. There are 2 to 4 positions for this committee.

Communications Committee
This committee helps the local communicate with their members. This includes social media platforms May also include assisting with the broadcasting of hybrid meetings (virtual and in-person). This committee has between 3 and 5 members, with the Communication Officer as chair.

Bylaw Committee
This committee reviews the Bylaws annually and make recommendations to the Executive Board on proposed amendments; ensure that the Local Union’s Bylaws are written in clear language, making sure that clear language does not change the intent or meaning of the Bylaws.  There are four positions to this committee.

NEW! Remote Work Subcommittee

As a subcommittee of the Labour Management Committee, this committee meets with management to investigate the possibility of remote work for applicable FVRL positions.

CUPE 1698 also affiliates to the CUPE Fraser Valley District Council and the Canadian Labour Congress Fraser Valley Council. We have openings for delegates to both. We can have a total of 4 delegates to these meetings. These two affiliates meet in the evenings, so it might fall outside of your work hours. Anyone can attend these meetings as a guest, so you’re welcome to come and see if your interest is sparked!

In solidarity and on behalf of the CUPE 1698 Executive,

Cora Kollin
Recording Secretary

Natalie Fouquette
Communications Officer